
Safar Academy – Islamic Studies Textbook


The Safar Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children’s essential Islamic Knowledge, cultivate good character and instill God consciousness. All textbooks contain extensive references from the Qurʾān and aḥādīth and all stories are always built only on material from Qurʿān and Ahadīth. The full colour and illustrated editions have been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as being comprehensive and reliable.

Accompanying Workbooks

Workbooks have questions designed to encourage thought, expression and connection with the teaching material.

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The Safar Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children’s essential Islamic Knowledge, cultivate good character and instill God consciousness. All textbooks contain extensive references from the Qurʾān and aḥādīth and all stories are always built only on material from Qurʿān and Ahadīth. The full colour and illustrated editions have been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as being comprehensive and reliable.

Elements from all core subjects are covered in this book:
Quranic Stories, Islamic Beliefs (Aqidah), religious rulings (fiqh) and major episodes from the life of Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhi wa Sallam), as well as areas of personal development, in an age-appropriate manner.

All books in the series follow a cumulative learning path; a solid practical knowledge base is built before theoretical concepts are added and expanded upon.

Accompanying Workbooks

Workbooks have questions designed to encourage thought, expression and connection with the teaching material.

Additional information

Weight 130 g

Safar Academy


Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7