
The Handbook for Muslim Teenagers – Girls Edition


You are a girl, a pre-teenager or a full teenager, experiencing many changes in your body and mind. Sometimes you do not know what to do or who to ask? You and your parents also feel a bit uncomfortable discussing certain issues! If this is the situation, then this book will be your first friend as it will answer your questions, Inshaa Allah.


Soft Cover

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You are a girl, a pre-teenager or a full teenager, experiencing many changes in your body and mind. Sometimes you do not know what to do or who to ask? You and your parents also feel a bit uncomfortable discussing certain issues! If this is the situation, then this book will be your first friend as it will answer your questions, Inshaa Allah.

Topics include:
– Identity
– Understanding teenage and adulthood
– Teenage common challenges and abuses
– Prevention and protection
– Teenage health and hygiene
– Girl’s health issues
– Beautification and makeup

Soft Cover

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Professor K. Kabir Uddin